Request Quote


Issue tracker designed for development teams.

Search Queries

Use simple query syntax similar to natural language to find the issues you need. Search for issues by their attributes and keywords, with full-text search, or both.

Forget about combo boxes, drop-down lists and anything else that usually bloats your screen space and makes you filter out existing issues.

For example, this is how you search for all unresolved critical issues reported by customer Tom Jones and assigned to you.

Completion & Highlighting

YouTrack provides query completion in the search box to help you choose appropriate keywords and values. Query completion is invoked automatically while you type, or just by pressing Ctrl+Space.

While you're entering a query, YouTrack highlights keywords and values, and uses red dotted underline to highlight errors.

Search Context

Narrow down your search to a certain context, by choosing a project, saved search, or tag as your context. Or simply use Everything to search across all projects and issues.


Not familiar with search queries? Try filters! Select one or more issue attributes from the list and see how many issues match your filters. Then simply click Show to view them in the list of issues.

When you choose a combination of filters, YouTrack inserts the corresponding search query in the Search box. This helps you learn search queries faster, and you can save them as your saved searches too to use again later.


Use tags to group issues the way you prefer, regardless of their attributes. For example, create a tag like fix it today and associate it with issues from different projects, subsystems and so on.

Tags can also be used in your search queries to filter all the tagged issues. Any user-defined tag can be set to untag on resolve so as soon as you fix a tagged issue, the association will automatically end.

In addition, assign different colors to mark tags, and share tags to allow other users to view, update and add your tags to new issues.

Star Issues

Clicking the Star issue button adds you to the list of issue watchers and subscribes you to all updates of this issue. You also become an issue watcher automatically when you comment or vote for it. Use the Star tag to view all issues you're currently watching.

Manage Duplicates

Aggregate data for duplicates, including filtering linked issues with comments and attachments, transfer votes and merge voters and watchers.

Link Issues

You can link issues using various dependency types, such as relates to, depends on, duplicates, and so on. Any issue can be linked to multiple other issues in one go.