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Everybody's favorite charting library

Highcharts is a modern SVG-based, multi-platform charting library. It makes it easy to add interactive charts to web and mobile projects. It has been in active development since 2009, and remains a developer favorite due to its robust feature set, ease of use and thorough documentation.

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Highcharts Maps

Everybody's favorite mapping library

Highcharts Maps offers a standards-based way for generating schematic maps in web-based projects. It extends the user-friendly Highcharts JavaScript API and allows web developers to build interactive maps to display sales, election results or any other information linked to geography.

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Highcharts Stock

High-performance financial charting library

Highcharts Stock runs without any external dependencies, nor are data routed via our servers prior to rendering. You control the entire flow of data from your web or mobile app. Use Highcharts Stock on your intranet or password protected websites without worrying about any man-in-the-middle siphoning your data.

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Highcharts Gantt

Going places no other JavaScript has gantt before

Highcharts Gantt is designed to help developers quickly create any kind of interactive Gantt-style user interfaces and visualizations for their apps, and bring those to market under multiple licensing schemes, including white-labeling, OEM or SaaS.

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